Path into painting miniature? Miniatures games—Warhammer? Historical wargames? TTRPGs? Or putting together models?
You’re a master hobby collector—and I have a friend like that—what other hobbies have you collected?
I can see how one of the big challenges for minis painting is where/how to hold them. I haven’t done any painting, but it just seems like that would be the case. So what was your starting point for the Hobby Holder? Were you just working on your own inspiration? Or were you unsatisfied with current designs?
Other kinds of games/gaming interests?
When did the entrepreneurial bug bite? Was this minis painting company your first go at starting and running a company?
And what about the invention bug? One of your posts suggests that you have welding and other such skills. Have you invented other helpful devices for other hobbies?
four kids under 10—are you looking to getting them into games
In this biweekly podcast, Geek and Southern's James Engelhardt and Joe Mahaffey discuss the golden age of board games and role playing games from a South…
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