March 5, 2024 - The Magic, A Dragon, and A Cat
The Southern Board Game Podcast, With the accent on Southern.
Show Notes: Season 3, Episode 3
What is on the table…
Hike through National Parks tiles, collecting memories and admiring gorgeous scenery.

Guide monarch butterflies on their journey along eastern North America.

Checkmate your opponent in this timeless abstract.

Build a cavernous sanctuary for dragons of all shapes and sizes!

Race to arrange ducks in specific formations and abduct them into your UFO.

Flick disks around a wooden race track that you can customize out of the box!

Cascadia: Landmarks
Place beautiful natural landmarks as you expand Cascadia.

PARKS: Wildlife
Visit new Iconic Wildlife Parks, spot new wildlife, and expand your PARKS experience.

Turing Machine
Crack codes using a real analog computer.

Scholars of the South Tigris
Gather scrolls and bring them back to the House of Wisdom to be translated.

Kickstarter/Gamefound Backed…or intrigued by…Or just picked up…
Backed… (& delivered…?)
Update 25: Fulfillment Has Begun! · Dog Park: New Tricks Expansion
Hello wonderful Dog Park: New Tricks backers,Your pledges are coming in hot! As per my last update, information is broken down by region, so do skip to whichever section is relevant to you. USA and CanadaWe're on the water for backers in this region and due to be in the warehouse by mid March. Once our games are on dry land, we expect fulfillment will start swiftly and hope this will begin by mid-late March. We are working with Fulfillrite as as shipping partner in the USA.Shipping to Canadian-based backers will happen approximately a week after (est. late March) as pledges will travel by truck from the USA to Canada before shipping begins. We are working with Pick & Pack as a shipping partner in Canada. UK and EuropeGames are due in the warehouse next week! Once they've landed, we expect fulfillment to start within two weeks (est. mid-March). We are working with GamesQuest as a shipping partner in the UK.European fulfillment will happen simultaneously but packages may take longer to arrive as they are being shipped from GamesQuest, which is a UK-based organization. Australia and New ZealandFulfillment has commenced! After safe arrival onto Australian soil - and a little time hanging fire in the warehouse as we waited for other regions to catch up - shipping has begun. This actually began today - the 1st March - so sit tight if you're yet to receive your parcel. We are working with Let's Play Games as a shipping partner for Australia and New Zealand. If you need any support with your pledge please email AsiaFulfillment has commenced! We started shipping today - 1st March - so sit tight if you're yet to receive your parcel. We're working with VFI as a shipping partner in Asia. If you need any support with your pledge please email The Rest of the WorldOur pledges going to the ROW will be shipped from our UK hub so check the section above for more details. In short, shipping should start mid-March.As shipping has begun, I feel another GIF coming on. This one feels right for today...!Must've been a limited edition pledge! Until Next Time... I expect to write to you again during the week commencing 25th March. In this update I hope to share the following: An update on fulfillment for all regions A guide including our replacement parts procedure and how-to-play videos With all good wishes and plenty of tail wags,Lottie, Jack, Rupert the dog, and the rest of the Dog Park team.
Picked up ….
D&D and TTRPGs+
FU kiddos—the one who has wanted to RP since Jr high…
3D Tabletop Printing, Painting, and Crafts …
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Lay It On The Table
In this biweekly podcast, Geek and Southern's James Engelhardt and Joe Mahaffey discuss the golden age of board games and role playing games from a South…

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Geek & Southern
Welcome to Geek & Southern! A Southern YouTube space for Dungeons & Dragons, Board Game Enthusiasts, Tech Mavens, and whatever strikes our fancy as fitting with Geek & Southern. In addition, we will feature interviews and reviews that are consistent with our theme of being Geeks Raised in the South. Our flagship content is Curse of Strahd in Appalachia. In this campaign, a group of friends set out on a well known D&D adventure, set in the Smoky Mountains of what will be North Carolina. Follow the adventures of Earth, Wind, and Shire as they seek to rid the highlands of the menace that is Strahd.... Episodes loaded every other week. DISCLAIMER: Curse of Strahd in Appalachia is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Y'all come back now. Y'hear... and we invite you to please like and subscribe.