September 17, 2023 - Obsession
The Southern Board Game Podcast, With the accent on Southern.
Show Notes: Season 02, Episode 14
Mythic Con
November 10 - 12, 2023
Hilton Charlotte - University Place
Mythic Con 2023

Guest - Dan Hallagan
What is on the table…
Five factions vie for dominance in a war-torn, mech-filled, dieselpunk 1920s Europe.

"boop" cats off the bed before they boop yours. Adorable & challenging!

boop. Boardgame Insert by GeekSouthern
This is an insert for boop. the boardgame. Cat decorations developed by katsune7 (attribution below)

Race to the Raft
Guide cats across the burning Isle of Cats and get them safely to the raft.

Beer & Bread
Two villages face off in the traditions of brewing beer and baking bread.

Traders compete to build the greatest empire in the Roman Mediterranean.

Winter Kingdom
Earn money to buy abilities needed to build the best kingdom.

Kickstarter/Gamefound Backed…or intrigued by…Or just picked up…
Backed… (& delivered…?)
Omni 2 - Modular Storage Case
3D Printable Modular Storage Cases for Miniatures, Board Games, Collectibles and More!

All the animals… tied to Essen, too
about a thousand titles so far for the convention, I’ve got about 150 on my watch list
Keep your feathered friends close and your enemies closer in Perch - a battle of the birds for 2-5 players!

Flock Together:
Flock Together - An Asymmetric Cooperative Game
Gather your teammates & level up your character to fight off the invading predators in this beautifully immersive game for 1-5 players.

Harvest - A Farming Game
Salutations, neighbor and welcome to Furroughfield, The Commonwealth of Free Beasts!

Peacemakers: Horrors of War by Snowdale Design
Stop wars between animalfolk nations! This co-operative game for 1 to 4 players features six unique scenarios, brimming with variety and replay value.

And Apiary:
In a far-distant future, humans no longer inhabit Earth. The cause of their disappearance (or perhaps their demise) is unknown, but their absence left a void ready to be filled by another sentient …

Stan Lee’s (Hagiographic) Genesis
Coming soon: Stan Lee's Genesis
The official tabletop game honoring the legacy of Stan Lee done in partnership with Stan Lee's POW! Entertainment

Barrage: New Lands
Explore new possibilities for the game you love! Get two original expansions including one dedicated for 2-player games!

Picked up ….
Avoid the Spoopy Ghost Cats as your cats jump up and bounce off the bed!

Mists over Carcassonne
Place tiles with care in Carcassonne to keep the ghosts in check.

D&D and TTRPGs+
3D Tabletop Printing, Painting, and Crafts …
Did some work on the upcoming Fowers games Typewriter and Paperback
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Lay It On The Table
In this biweekly podcast, Geek and Southern's James Engelhardt and Joe Mahaffey discuss the golden age of board games and role playing games from a South…

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Lay It On the Table | BoardGameGeek

Lay It On The Table
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Geek & Southern
Welcome to Geek & Southern! A Southern YouTube space for Dungeons & Dragons, Board Game Enthusiasts, Tech Mavens, and whatever strikes our fancy as fitting with Geek & Southern. In addition, we will feature interviews and reviews that are consistent with our theme of being Geeks Raised in the South. Our flagship content is Curse of Strahd in Appalachia. In this campaign, a group of friends set out on a well known D&D adventure, set in the Smoky Mountains of what will be North Carolina. Follow the adventures of Earth, Wind, and Shire as they seek to rid the highlands of the menace that is Strahd.... Episodes loaded every other week. DISCLAIMER: Curse of Strahd in Appalachia is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Y'all come back now. Y'hear... and we invite you to please like and subscribe.